Strength equals empowerment
Get Stronger, Perform Better
If you can lift more weight today than you could yesterday, you’ll build more muscle, improve performance across all sports and activities, and be more confident in everything you do. Ready to get stronger? Take on one of Dr. Jim Stoppani’s research-based strength programs at Kirkland Personal Trainer today.
Jim's fitness and nutrition advice has been featured in:

Choose any of these 8 strength-building plans and start seeing impressive gains in a matter of weeks… if not days.

5-3-2 Strength
Duration: 10 Weeks
Three phases and three brutally effective set-rep schemes (5×5, 3×3, 2×2) will have you setting new PRs across the board.

Power Pyramid
Duration: 4 Weeks
An ascending/descending pyramid model plus changes in rep tempo provides strength-gaining you’ve never felt before.

Strong in 8
Duration: 8 Weeks
Weekly bench press, squat, and deadlift workouts get progressively heavier (linear periodization) over two separate microcycles.

MED Training
Duration: 6 Weeks
Three proven techniques – Micro-Loading, Extended Sets, and Drop Sets – combine for fast, efficient strength gains.

3 Prong Strong
Duration: 6 Weeks
This 4-days-a-week plan focuses on explosive strength with single-digit rep counts and varying loads.

Oxford Drop Set
Duration: 4 Weeks
Based off the popular Oxford descending pyramid, this 2-day bodypart split will help you get bigger and stronger with just four weekly workouts.

3x3 Rest Rundown
Duration: 5 Weeks
The sets and reps stay the same throughout (3×3), the weight remains heavy, and the rest periods shrink weekly for great strength gains.

Variable Training Method
Duration: 12 Weeks
Learn what works best for your body – while gaining size and strength – by changing one variable at a time.
Kirkland Personal Trainer Program Overview
Programs Backed-By-Science

Periodized Progress
With decades of scientific literature and practical application supporting its effectiveness, periodization is the best way to see maximal and sustainable strength gains. Dr. Stoppani’s programs utilize all forms of periodization in never-before-seen ways. Your strength workouts have never been so engaging… and so effective.

Heavy On Volume
The internet is littered with low-volume strength programs. The problem with these is you shortchange muscle gains and add unwanted body fat. When high volume and heavy loads are programmed intelligently, as they are in all programs, you’ll be able to fully recover for the best possible results in both strength and size.

Proven Methods, New Uses
Techniques like supersets, drop sets, and shortened rest periods aren’t just for bodybuilders. Dr. Stoppani has proven with decades worth of programs that these hypertrophy-friendly hacks are just as valuable for boosting strength. Intensity drives growth, and bigger muscles are stronger muscles.
Stay on Track with Apps
Consistency is your key to success. User-friendly mobile and desktop applications will help hold you accountable.
1) Set Your Schedule
Make an appointment to train, and you’re more likely to stick to it. Use the JS calendar feature to plan workouts for the days and times that work best for you.
2) Workouts on the Go
With the JS app, your program is right there on your phone. Just take it the gym and follow along, set by set.
3) Virtual Personal Trainer
Have a question about an exercise or training technique? Tap any link between sets for a quick explanation.

Over 125,000 Members Strong.

Gaining muscle and strength, while dropping body fat, has helped this young family man be the best dad and husband he can be.

This 40-something single mom is leveling up her health and lean muscle with #TrainWithJim full-body programs.

How this stay-at-home dad battled adversity to get super lean in just 41 days.

This young father made a promise to his kids that he would take control of his health – a promise he kept by losing nearly 150 pounds and cutting his body fat percentage in half.

This JYM Army member added serious muscle after getting his training, nutrition and supplements in order.

Becoming educated on training and nutrition turned his life around in a matter of months.
When you’re ready to get seriously strong, get serious with your diet and supplements in Kirkland, WA
World Class Nutrition And Supplements
To get as strong as possible, your nutrition needs to be as well-orchestrated as your training. With the 5, 3, 2 and Strong in 8 meal plans, plus guidelines like his 9 Muscle-Building Rules, Dr. Stoppani shows you exactly what to eat to realize your best strength gains ever. To further level up your results, augment your diet with the JYM System (Pre JYM, Post JYM, Pro JYM), JYM Support Stack (Vita JYM, Omega JYM, ZMA JYM), Mass JYM, and Alpha JYM.

Kirkland Personal Trainer
Tools to meet your goals

Industry leading fitness mobile app
Track every workout – sets, reps, weights – with the user-friendly Jim Stoppani fitness app. Set your schedule with the calendar feature, and bring your program to the gym with you.

Coaching And Motivation By Dr. Jim Stoppani
Answering questions through social media day and night and hosting live tutorials almost daily, Dr. Stoppani is your virtual personal trainer.

The JYM Army
The strongest online fitness community – that’s the JYM Army! Get help with any program or diet, post your progress pics, share your struggles. This is your fitness family!
Lifelong Career Dedicated To Fitness
I’ve been training since I was 8 years old. My life has been dedicated to this field. Not only do I have a PhD in exercise physiology and a post-doctorate position at Yale University on my resume, I was also the Senior Science Editor for Muscle & Fitness and FLEX magazines for 11 years. I’ve been a personal nutrition and health consultant to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, LL Cool J, Dr. Dre, Mario Lopez, and other fit celebrities. My ground-breaking JYM Supplement Science product line, launched in 2013, brought much-needed transparency and integrity to the sports nutrition industry. With Kirkland Personal Trainer powered by, I’m sharing all my knowledge to help you change your body, your health, and your life for the better.
Begin Your Fitness Transformation Now
Get unlimited access to all training programs, diets, and supplement plans and the JYM Army to keep you accountable!
- 50+ expert-designed fitness plans with more all the time.
- Daily workout plans with detailed video instructions.
- Nutrition guides, healthy meal plans, and simple recipes.
- Easy-to-follow supplement guides.
- Take your workout anywhere with the Jim Stoppani app.
- Try it all out for only $1.